Wednesday, May 18, 2011

We the People!

“Where did we the people go?”   

  “We the people” are the people you are suppose to protect when we send you to Washington and not some deep pocket companies that ask and say they need tax money to continue making billion dollar profits a year. When did you forget about us? When did you forget about the next generation? I’m sure you have children or grandchildren or somebody you know has kids that will inherit this disaster we are letting you create. When will it stop? Well if you follow the internet it’s this weekend, but who knows?
  Okay let’s say we are still here functioning next week and the world doesn’t end. What will “WE THE PEOPLE” do? The little birdie says “Nothing!” Why? Is it because we have started leaning towards a nation that expects our government to pay our way? Possibly! Is it because we teach the next generation in this me first society not to worry about tomorrow that they shall only live for today? Probably!
   Teachers can no longer teach because what needs to be taught to function on a daily basis won’t pass some standardized test that the government tells the states they have to have. If a certain percentage of students flunk the test then no money comes to them. Businesses don’t want to be here anymore because “WE THE PEOPLE” don’t care to work. We want gravy on our biscuits and don’t care who makes the flour. This country is a great place to live. It’s the only place I’ll ever live but if we don’t soon wake the hell up what will our children read about us in the history books when the next nation takes over?
   We have been given a great opportunity in this nation that over the years other nations have hoped to copy. But today we seem to be letting it slip away. The things we were founded on are leaving daily. Stop handing out checks to people that don’t want to work, cut down the deficit, and free up government so we can continue on like yesterday. We need a new movement in America. No more democrats or republicans. We need a for the people by the people party and not a for the biggest contributor in my pocket party. We need to make every person that has ever thought about running for public office scared to do so by showing them what we are made of. If they don’t do what they say they will do we should fire them on the spot just like you and I would be if we did that at our jobs. It’s time to shake heads America. It’s time for us to put our government back on track.? I’m not talking about an overthrow; I’m talking about putting common sense back where it belongs. When we allow the haves to rule the have-nots what are we saying

   In every corner of this great nation we are letting things happen that will affect us and many generations yet to come. From the vote yesterday to allow the 2 billion in tax payer’s money to continue financing whatever it is we are financing the oil companies to do right down to our own local governments that tries to pass bills saying you can’t build a house within a hundred yards of my great granddaddies farm. You might want to think about it. If gas keeps going up where will junior live when he gets a family of his own. When will we start to care again?

Just one mans opinion!
Anderson Sheppard

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